SPOT time has been an evolutionary process that encompasses music, movement, language, sensory processing and fine motor activities to help address a wide variety of needs in a peer and educator supported setting. We use a variety of media to help engage kids in learning. Visual schedules help everyone stay organized and know what to expect.
The Basic Routine of SPOT Time:
Intro Song- we like "Hello Song" on the Handwriting without Tears Get Set for School, By Marcy Marx and Cathy Fink
Secondary Song- a song particular to the theme to get their energy up. Usually we follow the "Hello Song" with "Tap Tap Tap" and the "Up/Down Song' which are paired with the use of the Wood Pieces from the Handwriting Without Tears Get Set for School PreK learning program.
Then an settling down grossor fine motor activity like yoga stories, therapy putty/play dough themed mats, direct instructional games, or art and craft based activity during which we engage the students in communication through playful interactions.
We use adapted tools and assistive technology as needed to help all children access the activities!